Journalnya Asti

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Story

Hari ini sebenernya tidak diawali dengan sesuatu yg menarik. Pagi2 dah gradag grudug karena sudah agak telat k gereja, terus harus nganter pesenan dulu. Jadi semuanya serba terburu2 banget.
Pas di gereja tadi ngederin messagenya agak menarik juga, karena lagi mythbuster week trus lagi ngebahas soal sex in marriage life.
Abis first service harus ngajarin Keila untuk persiapan ulangan tengah semester hari senin, jadi cabut aja ke coffee world di bawah gereja sambil ngobrol2 sama temen deket gw di gereja.
Selama ngobrol sama dia ttg pernikahan gw kayak diingetin lagi sama Tuhan tentang janji Tuhan yg indah.
Perkawinan itu bukan seperti di dalam dogeng di film2 atau di buku2 cerita anak2 yg dulu kita baca semasa kecil. Yang selalu menggambarkan semua indah and happily ever after. I don't know why people in the movie bussines created that image in our head. For my opinion that was so cruel :) ...

Soalnya pas seseorang memasuki sebuah pernikahan tidak selamanya indah, ada masa2 naik dan turunnya. Sebuah perkawinan di butuhkan saling pengertian, pengorbanan,pengharapan, kesetiaan dan cinta. Tapi yang paling utama dalam perkawinan kristen adalah adanya campur tangan Tuhan dalam SEGALA hal! Karena cinta bisa hilang kalau tidak dibina terus. Kadang masalah kecil bisa menjadi besar, keegoisan masing2 dapat menjadi penyebab juga. Tapi kalau ada campur tangan Tuhan di dalamnya pertikaian dan perselisihan dapat di redam dan diperkecil frekuensinya. Bukannya akan hilang total, tapi ada harapan dalam Tuhan. Tidak ada kata putus asa dan menyerah. Karena jujur aja kadang kalau dah mentok rasanya paling mudah kita mengucapkan kata2 cerai...dan seolah kalo kita sudah meninggalkan pasangan kita yang nyebelin itu kita bisa terbebas dari penderitaan yg kita alami. Yahhhh....kadang bukan itu juga solusinya kan? Cuman kalo ada yg mengalami abusive secara mental atau physic nah itu laen ceritanya yah...Mungkin harus ada tindakan juga lah pastinya.

Yah....kadang memang banyak case2 yang berbeda2 juga sih...
Perkawinan membutuhkan kerja keras dari kedua belah pihak bukan hanya dari satu sisi saja. Membutuhkan 2 orang untuk mempertahankannya.
Pasangan gw bukan seseorang yang sempurna...jauhhhh dari bayangan itu. Tapi selama gw ngejalanin perkawinan ini selama 12 taun dengan proses yang berliku2. Sekarang... Gw tau jawaban Tuhan dari doa gw yang dulu gw minta untuk diberi seorang pasangan hidup...Tuhan dah jawab dan Dia dah tepatin janjinya. Yang pasti rencana Tuhan indah pada akhirnya!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Macaroni & Me

My lovely blogger,

Sebelum lupa and mumpung lagi niat ngeblog juga, aku cuman mo ngasi tau. Kalo sekarang aku ada usaha sampingan kecil2an yaitu jualan macaroni schotel/makaroni panggang/baked macaroni. 
Ide ini sih sebenernya udah lama banget ada cuman gak sempet di jalan2in. Sampai akhirnya pas bulan puasa kemarin aku  dapet pesenan dari temen kantor buat acara buka puasa bersama di kantor.
Terus pas lebaran aku kebanjiran pesenan dari sodara2 untuk hantaran lebaran ke relasi2 mereka. Nah dari situ aku memberani kan diri untuk melanjutkan usaha makaroni ini. 
Nah untuk sekarang ini aku cuman terima pesanan kalau weekend saja, karena kalau weekdays kan aku kerja jadi agak repot buatnya sama nganter2 pesenannya. Tapi kalo lagi liburan aku bisa terima pesenan di hari2 biasa.

Pertama2 mulai masak lagi masih banyak kekurangan di sana sini akhirnya sekarang Puji Tuhan sudah mulai stabil lagi dalam memasak. Dan yang lebih buat semangat lagi aku dapet "repeat customer" berarti mereka suka makaroni ku. walaupun ada juga yang nganggep enteng ato ngeremehin usaha ku ini. Komen gak enak kadang aku terima juga. Pertama2 sih sedih, cuman orang2 terdekat ku kayak suami n sahabat2 selalu ngasi support dan komen positif yang membangun. Jadinya aku maju aja terus walaupun pelan2. Aku gak mau muluk2 kok sama usaha ini. Aku cuman mau ngejalanin dengan tekun aja sama sabar.

Memasak buat aku termasuk ngilangin stress juga jadi aku bener2 enjoy ngerjainnya. Walaupun tiap weekend aku harus bangun jam 3 pagi buat masak, aku nikmatin aja. Aku usaha ini buat Kara & Keila juga kok, buat nambahin mencukupi kebutuhannya mereka juga.
Dan aku percaya banget Tuhan dah ngasi kepercayaan gw buat usaha ini pasti Dia bukain jalan...amin kan :)



Sebenernya dah dari kemarin2 pengen ngeblog lagi. Cuman bingung aja mo nulis apaan. Padahal bahan yang ada di kepala banyak banget yang pengen di tulis. Tapi gak bisa di keluarin, kalo mo mulai nulis selalu mentok.

Nah yang sekarang lagi ngeganjel itu kalau ada orang yang suka asal kalo ngomong, tanpa melihat perasaan orang lain. Emang kelihatannya seperti bercanda dan jadi sesuatu yg lucu, tapi kadang itu bukan sesuatu lelucon yang patut di tertawakan. Heran juga sih maksud orang itu apa, mau dianggap "joker" ato mau dianggep "cool" supaya bisa di terima di lingkungan? Ato mau di bilang gaul?
Apa harus menyakiti perasaan orang lain untuk bisa di terima di lingkungan tertentu? Aneh aja menurut gw.

Yah...sebenernya lebih baik di pikir terlebih dahulu sebelum membuka mulutnya, agar yang keluar dari mulutnya bukan sesuatu yang sia2. Sangat disayangkan aja kalo sikapnya seperti itu dan orang tersebut tidak berasa apa2.

Yang ada males aja deket2 ma tu manusia...Mudah2an berubah lah, jangan asal ngejeplak yah!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A good article!

I just found and read a good article from Focus on The Family website. As a parent of tween age daughter this article help me a lot to understand them more :)

Managing Tween Anger

Help your tween grow into a thoughtful, discriminating adult who rules his own emotions.

When I was a teacher I could never understand what happened to the 2nd graders during summer vacation. When I walked out the school doors in May and returned three months later, they were noticeably more grounded and grown up. It was part of a dramatic shift from being a child to preparing to be an adolescent.
The word "adolescent" might scare you because you're anything but ready for your third grader to grow up. However, because your eight-year-old is more emotionally aware and and intellectually advanced, you can help him understand more about himself — including how he handles his anger. In fact, these anger strategies apply to kids in the Tween years between the ages of 8 to 12.

When your child is angry, let him exercise more authority

My mother always says that sometimes you have to pick your battles and some aren't worth fighting. This couldn't be more true as your child progresses from being a child to an adolescent.
As your child grows intellectually and emotionally between the ages of eight and twelve, you will naturally want to grant him more responsibility so that he can grow into a responsible adult. This means that when he gets mad or rants and raves because he wants to buy a cheap toy with his hard-earned lawn mowing money, and you know it's a bad idea, you can give up your ground and let the consequences of his choice speak for themselves. This way, you can spare yourself a battle and he can grow into a calm, thoughtful and discriminating adult who doesn't allow his emotions to rule him.
Dr. Kevin Leman calls this "reality discipline" because reality serves up the discipline, not you. For some kids, especially those who are strong-willed and often demand that they get their way, it's a great way to go. Of course, you can't say yes to everything, but you can make it a practice not to say no just for the sake of saying it — and you can try to say yes often.

Don't only speak to your child about his anger when he's angry

With life pressures, it can be difficult to squeeze in teachable moments with your child. However, it's imperative that if you want your child to learn how to handle his anger in a constructive way, you'll need to speak with him when he's not angry.
Think back to the last time when you were really angry. Could anyone reason with you? Did your breathing accelerate? Were you talking in circles? Did you forgot what the other person said (if you were locked in battle)? Obviously, it's tough to reason with someone who is out of control with anger. That's why you'll need to speak with your child to make a constructive plan to handle anger when he's not angry.
As a part of helping your child, let him know that since he's getting older, he can take more responsibility in helping himself, since you won't always be there for him. Express sympathy by letting him know that it's normal to get angry sometimes. But also tell him that how he reacts to his anger is his choice and how he chooses will either make him more miserable or help him.
During one of your non-anger teachable moments, you can use a technique I used as a teacher. It's important that you use this technique shortly after the event because he may not remember what happened later. Ask him how he felt (in his emotions and his body), what happened that made him angry, how he responded, what the outcome was and how he could respond next time. Over time, he may begin to see the connection between his actions and the result.
In the beginning, it's reasonable to assume that he may not see how he contributed to the argument or blow-up with his siblings. However, I've seen this technique work with kids over a period of time. It gives them the opportunity to reflect inwardly and process the situation without you telling him how he should act. In short, it helps him see that his response is his responsibility.

Help your child create his own discipline plan

Once your child begins to see that his anger can be a problem, and that it's making his life difficult, you can calmly consult with him about the consequences if he responds inappropriately. First, you'll need to determine what "inappropriate" means. By discussing with him, ask him if it involves hitting someone, calling them names or spitting. Let him decide. I've found that most kids are amazingly honest about what is right and wrong when they're not threatened.
After you have created a list of what is not an acceptable response to anger, you can create another list of what he will do when he acts inappropriately. For example, will he put himself in time-out? Spend the afternoon in his room? Or give a prized toy to a friend?
You can also offer healthy alternatives to express his anger, such as scream outside until he feels better, punch a soft toy in the privacy of his room, or draw a picture about his feelings when he's angry.
Once your plan is complete and you've both agreed, both of you can sign it and post it somewhere obvious for future reference. This way, he can't say he was never part of the decision-making process, and it puts him in charge of his response.
Above all, whenever your Tween is angry, remain calm. This will let him know that you are on his side and working with him to help him master anger.

Devotion for today Oct 14, 2010

Proverbs 31:10-20 (NIV)

 10 A wife of noble character who can find?
       She is worth far more than rubies.
 11 Her husband has full confidence in her
       and lacks nothing of value.
 12 She brings him good, not harm,
       all the days of her life.
 13 She selects wool and flax
       and works with eager hands.
 14 She is like the merchant ships,
       bringing her food from afar.
 15 She gets up while it is still dark;
       she provides food for her family
       and portions for her servant girls.
 16 She considers a field and buys it;
       out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
 17 She sets about her work vigorously;
       her arms are strong for her tasks.
 18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
       and her lamp does not go out at night.
 19 In her hand she holds the distaff
       and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
 20 She opens her arms to the poor
       and extends her hands to the needy.

A Helping Hand

In the 1930s, jockey Johnny Longden was rammed in mid-race. While thundering steeds came up from behind, Johnny was thrown sideways off his horse. Seeing his predicament, another jockey reached out and attempted to push Longden back up on his mount. Unfortunately, he pushed too hard and Longden flew over the horse onto the other side. Still another jockey nearby grabbed him and was able to help him safely back on his horse. Amazingly, Johnny Longden won the race! A newspaper dubbed it “the ultimate impossibility.” Helping hands had not only saved him from severe injury and possible death, but allowed him to win the race.
As believers, we are to offer a helping hand to others as well. In Proverbs 31, we read of the virtuous woman who “extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy” (v.20). For centuries, the compassion of this woman of faith has been an inspiration to both men and women. She helps to remind us that extending ourselves to others is a biblical virtue to be exhibited by all believers.
There are many who are struggling or have fallen on hard times and need our assistance.
Who in your life needs a helping hand?

Your faith in God is proven when
You serve as one who cares;
Faith finds a way to love and help—
Puts action to your prayers. —Hess

God often sends His help by way of human hands.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Devotion from Yesterday, Oct 7 2010

Read: Deuteronomy 31:1-8

Hold My Hand

The waves of Lake Michigan were high and splashing onto the pier one day as I followed a young family out to a lighthouse. I overheard the young girl say to her father: “Daddy, please walk alongside me and hold my hand at this scary part.”

Sometimes life can be scary for us too: Loss of loved ones. Financial woes. Health problems. As we carry these heavy burdens and cares, we long for a strong hand to hold ours to keep us steady and secure.

When Joshua took over the leadership of Israel, Moses reminded him of God’s help in tough times. In the difficult days to come, Joshua would need to remember to trust God and His promises. Moses said, “The Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed” (Deut. 31:8).

Isaiah 41:13 encourages us with these words from God: “I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ ” When life gets scary, God is with us, we can hold His strong hand.

This song by Lowell Alexander reminds us of God’s presence: “You will face mountains so steep, deserts so long, and valleys so deep. Sometimes the journey’s gentle, sometimes the cold winds blow. But I want you to remember, I want you to know you will never walk alone. . . . Jesus will be right beside you all the way.” He’ll walk alongside us and hold our hand at the “scary” parts.

Fears flee in the light of God’s presence.

The devotion for today, Oct 8 2010

Read: John 14:1-6


Our church’s young people did what they could to “construct heaven.” It was time for the spring banquet, and the creative teens used lights, Styrofoam, and other materials to turn the auditorium into their best idea of heaven.

The theme of the banquet was “I Can Only Imagine,” from the song by MercyMe. Our daughter Melissa helped transform the church. When I visited to see how the kids were doing, she was in the rafters hanging stars. The night of the banquet, my wife and I were able to hear one of Melissa’s friends sing the theme song as we all thought about this faraway place called heaven.

Of course, we never could have imagined that Melissa would be entering the real heaven just 6 weeks later. The imaginary would become reality.

Jesus told us about heaven as a way of untroubled our hearts. He said, “Let not your heart be troubled; . . . in My Father’s house are many mansions . . . . I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2).

Heaven is a prepared place for prepared hearts—a place of unimaginable beauty, splendor, and majesty. It’s where God is caring for our believing loved ones, and someday for us. Imagine heaven, and rejoice!

The Lord has promised to prepare
A place in heaven above—
A home where we will always be
With Him and those we love. —Sper

Jesus is preparing a place for us and preparing us for that place.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Backkk!!!!!

Hey, I'm Back for blogging again!

Finally...... :)
I think my last blog was on January 2007 and after that my journey was not stop over there. My life still moving on and I have a lot of story to talk about. I don't think I will talk about my missed 3 years story in one page but I'm going to make it short and simple. How about that?

Ok, let's start....
After we moved from St.Cloud, MN we lived in Henderson, NV it's about 10 minuets drive to Las Vegas Strip. We lived with my husband's aunt and uncle for a year. They're a wonderful person both of them off course. They helped us a lot while we lived there. Randall got a good job in Vegas, the company loved him and they're willing to give a sponsorship for applying H1 visa. Kara had a good public school in Henderson. Everything seems a dream come true for us after we tried for 7 years to stay in The States. We thought we're going to start our new chapter our life over there after Randall graduated from his Masters.

Long story short, but the lucky charm wasn't in our side that time. The lawyer screwed up with the paper work for the immigration department and we couldn't post the paper work on time. He seems didn't care because before the quota for the H1 gone he took 1 week vacation and we couldn't reach him at all. We already warned and told him to post the paper work by April 1st right the way, but he said we still have a lot of chance. Any way we didn't get the H1 visa and that mean we have to go back to Indonesia after our visa due.
That time was the hardest part in our life facing the reality. We cried, prayed, and asked God why that could happen to us.
But we realize that God's has a purpose for us in Jakarta and He already has plan for us too.

We moved to Indonesia again, 4 of us. We start our life again over here from zero. The support and helped from our big family means a lot for us. Thanks to them that we can get through the adjusting part smoothly even though that wasn't easy as you see. We really appreciate it for what they've done for us.
But the biggest helped is came from our Lovely Father in heaven! He never lets us down and never leaves us alone in every situation.

Right now we're live in Jakarta. I'm working as a librarian in the national plus school at South Jakarta area. Randall is working in a production house company at Kemang area. Our daughters growing so fast. Kara will turning 11 this coming October and she's in grade 5 right now. And Keila is 5, she's in kindergarten.

Once again why I believe that God's already has plans for us over here because in just 3 months we found a right church for 4 of us, IES (International English Service) that's the name of our church. The church is in English that made the girls easy to adjust for Sunday school and for Randall, the first time we came into IES he fell in love right the way. Because they have the full band for worship as so you know Randall's passion is in music. And like usual he joined in the music team and he really enjoy playing over there. We've been blessed a lot in the past 2 years with the IES community.

That was my journey in the past 3 years.

Love you all.... :)

Monday, January 22, 2007

We're gonna miss St.Cloud

Ternyata sedih juga mo ninggalin St.Cloud. Padahal dari dulu gw nggak sabar buat keluar dr kota yg namanya St. Cloud ini. Abisnya nggak ada sesuatu yg menarik di sini.
Tapi ternyata selama ini gw salah banget. Setelah 5 taun tinggal di sini udah serasa hometown gw, sama kayak Jkt lah rasanya. Gw punya kehidupan di sini ada temen2 gw, ada gereja yg udah cocok, sekolahnya Kara, ada aktifitas yg gw senengin di sini, pokoknya semuanya udah settled di sini.
Cuman gw nggak ada pilihan lain, gw harus pindah cabut dr Ini semua demi Randy bisa dapet kerjaan karena di kota kecil kayak st. cloud kerjaan susah banget dapetnya.
Yach mungkin ini saatnya ngucapin good bye to St.Cloud, we never forget about this town.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

2 More weeks!

We just have 2 more weeks left to pack all of our stuffs.
We are moving to Nevada the end of this month. I can't talk a lot about the moving stuffs because I don't like to talk about that. Truthfully speaking...I prefer stay in St.Cloud!
I already settled in here. I have everything here; friends, church, activities and memory. But we have to move on our life, maybe this is the best for us especially for Randy to find a job. A job that will support us to live in the US. We try to give the best education for our kids, that's the reason why we wanna stay here.
My feeling like a roller coaster right now. I'm so scared, sad, excited and sometimes don't wanna think about it.